Well Installation & Education


Indeed, a majority of infant and child deaths in rural Niger are linked to contaminated water, lack of hygiene and inadequate sanitation. Unsanitary environments and unsafe water threaten not only the survival of young children but also their and physical and mental development. Illnesses such as diarrhea cause and exacerbate malnutrition, and can result in long-term stunting. (UNICEF, 2012).OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

The purpose and anticipated end result of this proposal is to request donations, publicize the event and create an annual fundraiser for “Wells for Wellness.” This annual fund raising event will raise funds to provide self-sustained, easily maintained wells and (Afridev) type pumps, to provide clean, in-expensive drinking water for impoverished communities in Niger.


Length of time needs/problems have existed:

This is an ongoing problem that has existed for decades. Existing wells are widely scattered—so that women and children may spend hours and travel many kilometers a day just to provide water for their homes. A proliferation of modern drilled wells and pump systems can alleviate many of these problems, but most communities lack the resources to fund drilled wells or to purchase and maintain pumps.

Whether problem has ever been addressed before, and what the outcome was:

Niger is a drought-plagued land on the borders of the Sahara Desert. There is little rainfall, so groundwater must supply most people’s daily needs. Yet this traditional water source presents many problems. Hand-dug wells lack concrete liners and are subject to contamination by seepage of waste and other contaminants. Traditional wells also have no pumps, so women must haul water up by hand in a demanding and time-consuming chore.

Impact of problem to target population:

Sixty-four percent of Niger’s rural population lacks access to clean water. About nine in ten citizens lack a proper way to dispose of their own waste. These water woes promote disease, stagnate education and economic growth, and result in the majority of rural Niger’s infant and child deaths.


Goal 1: Raise funds for immediate installation of wells & pumps in Niger villages, where the greatest need exist.
Goal 2: Continue to raise awareness on the lack of safe, clean drinking water and the access to it.
Goal 3: Create a self-sustaining project, where the initial work will be provided by NGO’s [Non Governmental Agencies] with the assistance of the local villages, then the project will be maintained by the villages, with minimum assistance from the NGO.

Procedures/Scope of Work

The Scope of Work (SOW): will be an ongoing project designed to provide information to the affected community, thereby enabling the recipient villages to continue maintaining their wells & pumps.

Recruiting: Wells 4 Wellness will have a continuous recruiting campaign to bring in new donors, volunteers to assist with the efforts in the U.S., and volunteers to assist with teaching the local Niger villagers.

Training: Wells 4 Wellness will have several training sessions occurring annually, such as, Water management, well maintenance, well purification, pump installation, pump maintenance, sanitation classes, and health & hygiene classes.

Testing: Is necessary to measure competence on maintaining wells, pumps, and for providing a “Train the Trainer” type training for local villagers on all classes taught to them.
Actual work required: Aquifer location, drilling of well, sanitizing of well, capping of well, installation of Afridev type pump, maintenance of pumps, teaching all (WASH) Water, Sanitation & Health classes.